STUDENT CODE: SN123123204 B.E, PMP, JIPM - TPM Instructor , CII - SCM PRO, | L e an Management | Supplier Devel opment | PMO Management | Hoshin Kan ri | Policy A dvoca cy PROFESSIONAL EXPERI ENCE Confeder ation of Indian Industry Aug 201 9 to Present Cou nsell or ( Grade M4A Director Equivalent ) Supp ly Ch ain / B usiness Exc ellence Part of the Lateral Coordinati on G roup on St art Up s , wh ere my role in vol v es asse ssin g Incubat ion centers and developing r oa dmaps for their improvement . Also c urated Clim ate - cha nge ce ntric star tups and worked with some of their f ounders to i mprove t he ir Go - to - Market strateg y Developed excellent working relationsh ip with officials from Ministry of De fence , Railways and other departments . Assisted railways & PMO officials in the de velopment of important Ca bine t notes on Logistics , based on which key policy de cisions were taken . Was selected on a pic k - and - choose basis by the Ministry of Defence to work on s trategi c and sen s iti ve assign ments aimed a t improving the domestic manufacturing capabilities as well as technologi cal prowe ss o f Indian Armed Forces by leveraging India s startup ecosystem . Part of the CII Andhra Prad esh s Steering committee on Ind ustrial Sa fe t y tasked with i m p r o v i n g I n d u s t r i a l S a f e t y s t a n d a r d s . Interact ed w ith multiple st akeholders t o im prove key p r o c e s s e s and cr eated Industrial Safe ty rating systems to help AP Industry body re ward performe rs . Assisted a leading infrastructure company s CSR wing in fine - t uning its c orporate communications strategy by developing a proposal to strength en reg ional economy and keep pr o ject affected persons gainfully employed . I mple ment ation plans are being rolled out now. Assisted CII s Oxygen task force and volunteered w ith var i ous ind ustry a nd government bodies including Dept of Posts to develop crisis management plans for the smoo th flow of COVID relief materials. Built close working relationship with Ka rnataka S tate governme nt officials to explore ways to double farmers income. Worked with agricultural university prof essors and industry professionals on a key project a imed at in novating ways to reduc e cattle - f odder price . A ssist ed INDIA EXIM BANK in the developmen t of c luster s pecific O n e D istrict O ne P roduct assessment reports b y p roviding r e search - based policy centric inputs to strength en the respective supply chains . Built con sensus on ICB clust er within 6 mo n ths a gain st 1 year t a rg et. A s a Supply Chain fac ulty for UN HCR , I trained 28 stu dents ( UNH CR s senior management cad re ) from 20 dif fe r en t cou ntries duri ng a 6 - mon th - l ong - train ing pr ogram . Rol e prim aril y invol ved helpi ng country head s migrate from efficient logistical networks to elastic networ k. F acilitat ed multiple stakeholder s and helped dev elop det ailed act ion p lans for a majo r suppl ier quality improv ement program at a large textile equipmen t firm & directe d their CFT activities. O versho t commitments by 7.5x and complet ed t he task 3 months ahead of schedu le . Audi ted companies from various sec tors on their Customer Centricity and helped them d evelo p improvement plans. Our gap - anal ysis and DWM p lans helped o ne company gain confidence to apply for JD P ower A ward . A nother company serviced is targ eting Deming A ward. Guided a group of Students f rom IIM A h me da bad t o deve lop Theor y o f Cons traint s base d Lea n - project m anagement m odel s for Supply Chain e xcelle nce in the cap acity of a P ractice expert from the industry . Our te am won f irst pri ze in a pan - IIM Business competition . C onducted programs for Logisticians from l eading co r porate companies and ensured 100% positive feed back from Academi c Insti tution partners, Cor por ate Sponsors, government officers and students . Class room i nteractions helped us add 50+ best pract ices to our database. A s a SME , helped team that audited and managed Warehouse (WH) improvement projects as a part of our W H excellence program. R e co mmend e d sp ac e optimi zation plans to i mprove key KPI scores like D ock D oor Utilization rate , P utaway C ycle T ime , s torage / cum , etc. Assisting a large firm and its su ppl iers in the ir journey towards NET ZE RO Supp ly C hain : Organized a few cap a bility bui ldi ng w orksh ops and helped the ir Cross Functional Team to de velop a roadmap to expose carbon - loss points within their supply chain. TV S MO TOR LTD Ban galore / Chandigarh Civil TPM lead / 5s coordi na tor. Feb 2 0 13 to Jul 2 01 9 Served as an Internal 5 S / TPM process auditor t o prepare 5 sites challenging JIPM ’s TPM award. Coordinated the implementation of projects suggested by JIPM auditors to ensure tha t sites qualify for the award . All 5 sit e s qualified for the JIPM a ward at appro priate levels. Fathered the Facility Management pillar and u p date d over 120 maint enance manuals f or Civ il a ss et s to help our sites qualify for T PM commit ment award. Worked wit h Safety team to ensure 0 accidents at f act ory & directed 20 + EHS projects to boost our En viro nment s core . Moderated meetings with multiple stakeholders to freeze design s and d ire cted C ross F un ctio nal t eam e f fort to ensu re completi on of busi ness - critical Cap - Ex pro ject s wo rth Rs 3,000 Cr tha t improved segment al ma rket share by 1. 3% in 2 years . Par t of a CFT involving corpo rate communications team that develop ed Bra nd standards for facto ries, dealership cent e r s and hard assets of ou r company. H elp ed de velop migration plans to as sure that production flow is not d is turbed while the constru ction activities are underway . Worked with TVS led NGO to solv e the prob lem of bi o - m ed ical wast e in h ospital s ne a r ou r f ac tory site s, helped recharge groun d wat er in vil lag es near our factory site, worked with retir ed fores ters to rejuvenate a 6 - acre lake and revi ve d a local scrub - forest ecos ystem. Developed a 5s activity monitoring mechan ism & c onvince d CEO to div ide 5S res ponsibi l ities am ong all empl o y ees to creat e a v isually mana ged fac tory . The se set of in it iat i ves led t o t h e modification over 200 SOPs in o ver 6 depart ments or bu sine ss vertic als. D isc ove red syste mic l e vel fla ws during a routine Kaizen evaluation process & prepared VSM c harts to co nvince Business Lea de r shi p Team to spo nsor a major process im provement program to re - design our e ntire In - Bound Logistics Netw ork . T he t ask saved us Rs 1 2 Cr a nnua lly .
Worked with our housekeeping t eam to automate 2 labo r inte nsive p ro cesses and helped them reduce in - direct headcount by 15% while maintain ing the Service Lev els despit e da ily foot f alls increas ing by 25% . Tea m won a special pr ize at a national competition for this work. Dev eloped Gl o b a l Stan dar ds on Pro ject Managemen t in assoc iati on with PMI, USA , as a c o m mittee mem ber of PMBOK Sixth E d itio n - team; w ork involved k n owledge sha ring with over 30 fellow p ractiti oner s located in 5 different time - zon e s . Part of a PMI team that develop ed Sel f - mo de rated O nline Tra ining Prog ram f o r CAPM c ertification, in a b id to make stude nts role - ready f or a projec t envi r onme nt and d evel ope d Practi ce Guides on Schedul ing, Complexity Management and Organi za ti onal Proj ec t Managemen t . Simplex Infras tructures Li mite d New De l h i Team Memb er (Plann in g) , C entralized MIS De partmen t Au g 20 08 to J a n 20 1 3 Project & Portfolio Mana g ement W as moved to Head office f rom Pr oject Site of fi ces b ased on my producti vity enhancemen t pr opo sal s & w as t asked to imp rov e l abor p roductiv ity in all pro j ect l ocat ion s . Deployed L ean tool s to boost bott leneck resourc e productivity by 15% across 30 sites within 1 year . As a Lead plann er, d eploye d SE tools to ensure seamle ss wor k flow in 73 large enginee r ing pr oject s totaling 79 million man - hours of effort a nd mot iva te d si te planners by de fin ing career - p at h s based on C o mpetency L evel Mapping Methodology . Repr esented my organization as lead p lanner in all business meetings and Arbitration cases related to CINDA and other lar ge inf rastructure projects under my p ortfolio. Forensic sched uling prowess helped us win Extensio n of Time and other relief consisten t ly. De ve lop ed pr otocols for Project c ontrols , Inventory control, S tructured hand - ove r and closu re of project work including documentation & payment s, manned the Chan ge Contr o l B oard on behalf o f our T echn ical Direct or and acted as a SP OC for all contract ual escalat ions . De ve l o ped Project S uppor t Gro up (PS G ) t o assist Sit e - based Pr o j ect Managers i n operatio nal / tac tical d ecision makin g . As a part of my duties, I pil o ted the deploy ment of camera - based project progress mon i toring system at 2 critical pr oject s ites which w o n us a n award . A naly z ed va ria nce in projects va l ued at USD 2 bi l l io n a s a Project C ontr ols le ad and improved the process to upda te CEO s dashboa rd . Task als o inv olve d seamless migration management fr om existin g legacy systems to new ERP based management s ystems . S tandar diz ed Project Schedule model manage ment plan f or various project s; ensur ing Site plan ners are ad equately trained in using t he rel e v ant so ftwa re progra ms, eliminating legacy scheduling to ols & co mponents, etc . Introduced structure and added metadata to our projec t risk databas e and a nalyzed resource require ments for pre - a nd post - tender projects under our purview . Participated in tender b id - opening meeting s ( t ech nical ) an d prepa red a datab ase of competitor s producti vity norms . T rain ed 20 se nio r executive s of Power Grid Corpor ation of India Limi ted (P GC IL) on Project Management at thei r h eadquarters , o n P MI’s request and served a s a core tea m memb er of Technical Pap e r rev ie w com m it tee for Glo bal Conferences on Project Management. Wo rked with l ocal NGOs to promote natur al soap s made by a n women driven tribal SHG a nd worked with resident f armers to imp rove mo isture ret ention and o rgani c content in t heir soil as a part of o ur project s outrea ch program (to win local support) EDU CATIO N Unive r sity Visvesvaraya Colle ge of Engineer in g Ba ngalore, Indi a B achelor o f Engineeri ng (Civil Engineering) Sep 2 000 to Dec 2004 Presented a paper at a National Conference on Interli n king of Ri v ers i n 2003 Organized seminars on Earthquake Eng ineer ing, Solid waste management and ot her topics Indi an Ins titute of Technology, Kanpur Kanpur , Indi a e - Masters in Economics, Finance & Pu blic Policy Jan 2023 to Dec 20 23 Submitted a n internal paper at C entre for L and War fare Studies (CL AWS ) on a sensitive top ic . C ertifica tions PM P, JIPM Certified TPM Inst ructor , Lean Six Sigma, SCM Pro