Department of DoMS
Programme Name: Power Sector Regulation, Economics and Management
Fundamentals of
Accounting and
To provide an overview of the
fundamentals of economics and
data analysis, providing a basis for
understanding other modules in
the program. To understand
financial statements and their
relevance in regulatory accounting.
Demand, Supply, Cost Concepts, and Perfect Competition
Monopoly- Entry Barrier, Profit Maximization and Welfare
Understanding Market Structure - Oligopoly and Monopolistic
Introduction to Macroeconomic Measures
Understanding Statistical Concepts and Regression Analysis
Demand Estimation and Forecasting
Production Economics
Pricing: Theory and Practice
Accounting Principles: Profit-Loss and Balance Sheet
Depreciation, Working Capital, Interest Cost, and Loan
Free Cash Flow and Investment Valuation
Fundamentals of Project Financing
Evaluating Projects under Project Financing
Differentiating Financial and Regulatory Accounting
Power Sector
Reform and
Principles and
To understand the economic
rationale for regulation, and the
evolution of the regulatory and
policy changes in the power
Introduction to the Indian Power Sector
Progress towards Power Sector Reforms - Electricity Act,
2003 and Beyond
Fundamentals of Economic Regulation
Market Failure and Regulation of Natural Monopoly
Theories of Regulation
Cost-of-Service Regulation - I
Cost-of-Service Regulation - II
Distribution Reforms and Programs APDRP, R-APDRP,
Incentive Regulation: Theory
Incentive Regulation in Practice: International Experience
Electricity Act, 2003
National Electricity Policy and Tariff Policy
Unbundling, Privatization and Franchisee Development -
Experience across States
Current Developments in Policy and Regulatory Framework in
the Indian Power Sector
Power System
Operation and
Ancillary Services
To provide an overview of the key
aspects of a power system
covering Generation, Transmission
and Distribution. To identify the
roles of ancillary services and
examine the cost drivers for
ancillary services, regulation and
reserve products.
Understanding Power System Generation, Transmission &
Functioning of Electric Bulk Power System
Integrated Operation of Grid -Reliability, Stability and Security
Indian Electricity Grid Code
Power System Operation in Practice: Scheduling and
Transfer Capability Assessment and Congestion Management
Deviation Settlement Mechanism
Demand Response and Demand side management
Assessment of Power System Stability
Ancillary Services RRAS and Beyond
Understanding Power System Data and its Processing
Governance in the Power Sector and Independence of
Regulatory Institutions
Analytics of Power System Data
Power System Simulation Lab
Power Sector
Regulation in
Practice: MYT
Framework for
To understand Multi-Year Tariff
Framework for generation,
transmission and distribution.
To understand the process of ARR
approval and tariff determination.
Regulatory Framework for Multi-Year Tariff (MYT)
Tariff Determination Framework: Electricity Act, 2003 and
Tariff Policy, 2016
Rate of Return Regulation and Performance Based
Transmission &
Hands-on exercises to understand
the above.
Regulated Tariff Framework for Thermal Generation
Determining Tariff for Thermal Generation: Hands-on Exercise
Regulated Tariff Framework for Hydro Generation
Determining Tariff for Hydro Generation: Hands-on Exercise
Fundamentals of Transmission Tariff Design
Evolution of Transmission Tariff - PoC and Sharing of
Transmission charges
Regulated Tariff Framework for Distribution
Determining Tariff for Distribution - I: Hands-on Exercise
Determining Tariff for Distribution - II: Hands-on Exercise
Estimating Category-wise Cost-of-Service: Hands-on
Return on Equity and Return on Capital Employed: Estimation
and Implementation
Benchmarking Norms for Tariff Determination Generation,
Transmission and Distribution
Competition and
Power Market
To understand the evolution of the
Power Market in India. To
understand the regulatory and
policy framework for Power Market
Operation. To understand various
market segments. To understand
the operation of power exchanges.
Retail Competition and
International Experiences in Power
Market Development.
Principles of Electricity Market Design - I
Indian Power Market Structure: Role of Trading and Power
Power Market Regulation, Transmission Allocation, DSM
Regulation, Grid code and Licensing
Network Access (STOA, MTOA & LTA) and Cross-subsidy
Principles of Electricity Market Design -II
Electricity Contracts and Operation of Power Exchanges
Short-term power market Bilateral, DEEP, Banking/ Barter
Resource Adequacy and Capacity Market
Market Monitoring, Market Share, Market Power and its
International Experiences in Power Market Development
Derivatives and Risk Management in Power Market
Retail Competition
Evolution of Power Market: Next Steps
Smart Grid
Technologies and
To understand the implementation
and technologies involved to
integrate and optimize distributed
energy resources to achieve a
more efficient and reliable grid.
History of Power System and Power System Automation
Smart Grid Definition
Smart Grid Domains & Building Blocks
Smart Grid Architecture
Smart Grid Measurement Technology
Smart Grid Measurement & Communication Technologies
Energy Storage and Demand Response
Active Distribution System Management
National Smart Grid Mission and Pilot Projects
Peer-to-Peer Market and Blockchain
Regulatory Aspects related to Smart Grid
Microgrids - Regulatory and Policy Framework
Principles and
To understand economic and
financial concepts related to the
decision-making for power
procurement. To provide an
understanding of the process of LT
and ST power procurement in the
power sector. To understand the
regulatory and policy framework
governing the same. Hands-on
exercises/projects to understand
the above.
Power Procurement PPA under Regulated Tariff,
Competitive Bidding and Markets
Power Purchase Agreement - Contracting & Transitioning
Short-term Power Procurement in Practice
Estimating and Understanding Levelized Tariff
Economic Approach to Power Procurement Merit-order
Resource Adequacy: Long-term Demand Forecasting and
Power Procurement Planning
Long-term Demand Forecasting: Electric Power Survey
Competitive Bidding Principles and Guidelines
Power Procurement Portfolio Management - Multiple
Short-term Load Forecasting in Practice
Mini-project (live)
Renewable Energy
Policy, Regulation
and Market
To provide an overview on the
Renewable Energy Policy,
Regulation and Market. To
understand the process of RE
procurement through regulated
and competitive bidding
Mechanisms. To understand
Evolution of Renewable Energy Development India and the
Understanding Solar, Wind, Small Hydro, Biomass and other
RE Resources
Policy and Regulatory Framework for Renewable Energy
Development: RPO, FiT, RECs
Regulated Tariff Determination for Renewable Energy
various aspects of policy and
regulatory instruments to promote
RE. To understand challenges to
RE development. To understand
the development of the market for
REC and other market-based
products. To understand factors
influencing framework for behind
the meter generation by domestic,
industrial and agricultural
Competitive Bidding for RE procurement
Developing a Market for Renewable Energy Certificates
Designing and Implementing a Rooftop SPV Program: Net
Metering vs Gross Metering
Solaralisation of Agricultural Pumps
RE Procurement in Practice: GTAM, GDAM and Beyond
Challenges to RE integration - Role of Flexibility and Storage
(Hydro, Pumped Storage and Battery)
Renewable Energy Scheduling, Forecasting, Dispatch and
Deviation Settlement Regulations
PAT Mechanism and ESCerts
Mini Project
Designing Retail
Electricity Tariff
To understand economic and
financial concepts related to the
electricity retail tariff. To
understand the regulatory and
policy framework governing the
same. Hands-on exercises/project
to understand the above.
Economics of Retail Tariff Design: Concepts of Elasticity and
Price Discrimination
Principles of Retail Tariff Design - Single Part vs. Multi-part
Tariffs, Telescopic vs non-telescopic Tariff and Two-part Tariff
vs. Minimum charges
Mini Project (Part A) - Evolution of Retail Tariff in a state
Estimating Cost of Service Category-wise and Voltage-wise
- I
Estimating Cost of Service Category-wise and Voltage-wise
- II
Estimating Cost of Service Hand on exe3rcise
Mini Project (Part B) - Redesigning Retail Tariff in a state
Designing a demand response program and ToU Tariff
Cross-subsidy, Subsidy and Financial gap: The Indian
Consumer electricity pricing under retail competition
Implementation of Retail Competition in India: Sectoral
Legacy and Tariff Unbundling
Mini Project - Final Presentation
Consumer Services - Supply Code and Standard of
Consumer Rights, Grievance Redressal and Ombudsman
Power Sector
Emerging Issues
and International
To learn from international
experience from power sector
reform. To understand the role of
the power sector in India’s climate
policy commitments. To
understand the impact of RE, EV
and Green Hydrogen adoption on
Indian power market with respect
to decarbonization targets. To
understand the institutional
framework, processes and
adjudication of disputes in the
power sector and learning from
recent judgements of APTEL and
Supreme Court.
Cross Border Energy Trade and Regional power market
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Green Hydrogen: Technology and Economics
Green Hydrogen: Mission, Standards and Policy
Energy Storage: Economics and Supply Chain
Electricity Act Amendment: Developments and Future
Prospects - I
Electricity Act Amendment: Developments and Future
Prospects - II
India's Climate Policy Commitments and the Role of Power
Challenges to Harnessing India's PV Potential: Technology,
Supply Chain and Policy Environment
International Experience of Power Sector Regulation: Market
Evolution and Regulatory Governance
Learning from recent judgements of APTEL and Supreme
Court - I
Learning from recent judgements of APTEL and Supreme
Court - II
Clean Energy Transition for the Power Sector: International
Capstone Project -
To allow the students to
demonstrate their understanding,
abilities and skills required to
formulate a relevant question,
gather relevant data, undertake
analysis and present the
outcome. Students, in consultation
with the supervisor, may choose a
topic of their interest in the
relevant area of the program.
A student registered for a project module will choose a project topic
in consultation with the course coordinator/main supervisor. Topics
should be relevant to the program. Industry-relevant topics would be
Capstone Project -
To allow the students to
demonstrate their understanding,
abilities and skills required to
formulate a relevant question,
gather relevant data, undertake
analysis and present the outcome.
Students, in consultation with the
supervisor, may choose a topic of
their interest in the relevant area of
the program.
A candidate registered for a project module will choose a project
topic in consultation with the course coordinator/main supervisor.
Topics should be relevant to the program. Industry-relevant topics
would be preferable.
Project Financing
for Energy and
Project Financing, being distinct
from corporatefinance, pertains to
fundings of projects under an
SPV framework which assures
debt servicing through the project
cash flows. Energy and
infrastructure sector projects
require large investment and have
a long-gestation period. The
stakeholder in a project financial
deal in such sectors face a variety
of risksthat are hedged through a
variety of contractual
arrangements.The course would
provide an exposure to the
conceptual and applied
understanding while evaluating a
project financing deal.The course
would also help understand the
contractual linkages that identify,
manage and allocate various risks
in a Project Financing, particularly
in the energy and infrastructure
Project Finance for Energy and Infrastructure Projects
UnderstandingProject Financing, Project Financing
Vs Corporate Financing, Financing Energy and
Infrastructure Projects
Understanding financial concepts
Time value of money, discount rate and investment
Understanding Financial Structuring,statements and
UnderstandingFinancialStructuring, Financial
statements and ratios
Evaluating Free Cash Flows
Free cash flow to project and free cashflow to
equity, Interest During Construction (IDC)
Project Evaluation Concepts
NPV, IRR, MIRR, Cost-benefit Analysis, Payback
period etc.Viability vs financeability of projects
Evaluating Public/Social Projects
Social Cost-benefit Analysis,Financial Vs Economic
Project Appraisal and Documentation
Project Appraisal, Financial Ratios and
Sources of Finance for Energy and Infrastructure
Financing Infrastructure Projects, Sources of
Finance, Consortium Financing, Domestic and
International sources of project finance, Green
Financing, Role of Multilateral Agencies (MLAs)
Risk Identification and Mitigation
Identifyproject risks, understand mitigation
strategies and contractual linkages
Term sheet, covenants and loan documentation
Project financeterm sheet, covenants and loan
Case study based financial modelling of projects
Hands on Case Discussion and Financial modelling
for identified cases.